try THIS challenge to shake up your week!

I have a fun challenge for you to try this week...

Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️

Aimée Rebecca | 2nd Feb

After a whirlwind few weeks, I'm finally getting back into the swing of my routine...and realising maybe it's time to step back out of it again.

Hi Reader,

It's me - Aimée Rebecca - your internet bestie who's slurping on the absolute best smoothie! I always forget just how much I love smoothies until I make one and realise they're actually incredible. (I'll share the recipe for this one later in the email.)

Anyway, I was listening to The Mel Robbins Podcast yesterday during my walk and she talked about a game she'd invented called, 'never been there; never done that.' You can listen to the full episode here if you want but basically, the idea was to think of places you've never visited before and things you've never tried that are in your local area...

And then actually do them!

What's funny is I'd accidentally tried something new in my local area on the weekend against my will. And I ended up loving it!

Like most people, I have my favourite go-to places to eat and get coffee. I like the familiarity. I know what I'm going to order. It's comfortable. But on Saturday, my mother pointed out a random cafe on the corner and said, "Why don't we try that place for a change?" I scrunched up my face in disapproval.

I don't know that place.

What if there's nothing good on the menu?

It could be awful.

How have I never even seen this place before?

Turns out I had the best bagel of my life there. I mean, it was incredible. I haven't stopped thinking about it and I'm already wondering when I can go back. I mean, today is Tuesday and it's still so forefront in my mind that I'm literally writing you an email about how good this bagel was!

So when I heard Mel Robbin talking about the importance of getting out there and exploring our own back gardens, I had to agree!

Your next favourite coffee shop could be the place you pass by every morning on your way to work. Your new best friend could be the person working at that quirky shop you keep meaning to call into but never do.

We miss out on so much because we get trapped in our routines. We go to the same restaurants and order the same meals. We take the familiar route. We stay in our comfort zones.


So I challenge you to try something new that's on your doorstep this week. And you know what? It might suck! You might decide never to go back. But at least you will have tried it.

🍓My Go-To Smoothie Recipe:

As promised, here's my favourite smoothie recipe. It's super simple but so tasty!

  1. One cup frozen mixed berries (I like the ready-frozen packs you can get from the supermarket)
  2. One banana
  3. One cup oat milk
  4. One cup water
  5. 2 tbsp Pulsin Vanilla Vegan Protein Blend

🏃‍♀️10k Training Update:

Guess what, Reader! I'm nearly halfway through my 10k training plan and the Swansea Bay 10k I signed up for is fast approaching! Now it's no secret that I suck at running. When I signed up for the Race For Life 5k last year, I ended up crying in a bush. And you might be wondering why I'd put myself through the chaos of a 10k, knowing I might once again end up sobbing amongst the foliage.

Good question!

The thing is, I like to challenge myself. I like that feeling I get when I'm suddenly doing something I previously thought was impossible. And let me tell you - me running a 10k? Definitely something I previously considered impossible!

The finish line is still a long way off but I ran 5k last weekend and I've got 6k on my training plan for this coming weekend. And I'm confident that I can do it! It feels like all of a sudden, my body is getting with the programme. My legs know what they're doing now. My heart doesn't feel like it's going to explode out of my body after the first few minutes. I'm seeing progress! 🙌

✨No Gate-Keeping Here!

Things I have been low-key obsessed with recently include:

📺 Inside Out 2 - I went to the cinema to see it with my dad and absolutely bawled my eyes out. It was like a window into my own brain! Seriously, if you haven't seen it yet, it's a must-watch.

🧵 Attempting to sew - I've been in a really creative mood recently so I decided it was finally time to get around to learning to sew. Of course, I couldn't start small and decided to launch myself in at the deep end by making a dress! With boning. And an invisible zip. And a lined bodice. Why do I do these things? Anyway, it's been a fun challenge so far. This is the pattern I'm using.

🍳 This recipe I found on TikTok for a roasted vegetable and hummus plate is my obsession of the moment. It's so simple, so filling, and SO tasty. You must try it!

I hope you're having a great week so far, Reader! Don't forget to try something new in your town!

Aimee xo

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Aimée Rebecca

Just an ordinary girl trying to live a not-so-ordinary life.

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