if you want to make an omelette, you need to obliterate some eggs 🍳

all the best changes start with chaotic, messy, "I can't handle this" destruction.

Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️

Aimée Rebecca | 23rd July

It has been quite the week! And yes, I'm aware that it's only Tuesday. The universe decided to hurl me into chaos and it's been a challenge.

But discomfort is always temporary.

Hi Reader,

It's me - Aimée Rebecca - your internet bestie who is, quite honestly, not thriving right now! Don't worry - it's really not that deep. I just really, really, really need to pee.

You see, we're midway through a bathroom renovation. In fact, as I type this, the house is shuddering with the sounds of drilling and hammering. Something just fell with an alarming clang.

I'm not sure what gave me the delusional optimism (probably the same delusional optimism that had me thinking I could side-hustle my way to Vegas) but I didn't think a bathroom renovation would be that big of a deal. So I have to shower at the gym in the mornings instead of at home for a few days. No problem!

Actually, big problem! I work from home. There's no water and no toilet. The air is thick with dust and the sounds of non-stop building work. I'm dehydrated from trying to avoid any liquids and somehow it still doesn't make a difference. My bladder is fit to burst! 😳

And to top it all off, my car broke down (yes, again!) so there's no escaping. I am trapped in the thick of this hellish renovation until it's finished! It's uncomfortable. I hate it. But you can't have a fancy new bathroom without all the drama that comes with demolishing the old one.

Change is hard and it's uncomfortable. That's equally true of making changes within yourself as it is of changing up the plumbing. First, you need to pull out all the old stuff that's no longer serving you. Some of it might be rusty and difficult to dislodge, but you have to keep hammering away at it until you have a nice, clean canvas to work on. It's messy and there aren't any shortcuts. Inevitably, you'll be faced with some unexpected issues along the way that will have you banging your head against the wall and wondering why you ever decided to put yourself through this in the first place. Then, you begin to cobble together the new parts. The progress is slow and, all the while, it still feels uncomfortable and you're impatient to get it all over with. But it takes as long as it takes and you have to see it through to the end.

And finally, when it's all finished and the transformation is complete, you realise it was worth it. It was worth the self-doubt and the sleepless nights, the hard work and the mistakes along the way. ✨Making changes isn't easy, but it's always worth it in the end.✨

I guess my point is don't let the fear of discomfort hold you back from making the changes you want to make.

Also, if you're ever planning a bathroom renovation, it might be worth hiring a portaloo if you work from home! 💁‍♀️

✨Let's Catch Up!

I documented the highs, lows, and dramatic outbursts of the last week in my new vlog over on YouTube. It's not published yet, but I'm giving you early access 🤫 Watch it here!

✨No Gate-Keeping Here!

A few of my current favourites:

🧖‍♀️ I recently started using this Procoal London blackhead peel-away mask and I love it! I've always enjoyed the gross satisfaction of pulling gunk out of my pores, but this mask is the first I've found that also leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated.

🏃‍♀️ I finally caved and got a running vest to wear as I train for my 10k this September. It's been a game-changer! Mine has a removable water bladder with a straw so I can easily stay hydrated on the move. It's available on Amazon but my top tip is to take a look on TikTok Shop if you have it because it's cheaper there!

🎧 I'm back on a Two Hot Takes kick after taking a little break from it. If you haven't listened to Morgan's podcast and you like a bit of harmless Reddit drama, give it a try! She and her guests react to Reddit stories and share their opinions about the wild things some people are out here doing. I would love to have a podcast like this because I always have an opinion!

"I think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway."


Taylor Swift

See you next week, Reader!

Aimee xo

Aimée Rebecca

Just an ordinary girl trying to live a not-so-ordinary life.

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