
Aimée Rebecca

Just an ordinary girl trying to live a not-so-ordinary life.

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what you need to know about those happy snapshots

what you need to know about those happy snapshots 📸 Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️ Aimée Rebecca | 18th Sep Does it ever feel like everyone else is winning but you? When you scroll through social media, are you hit with photos of other people's incredible trips, exciting announcements, and amazing achievements and wonder why you're hit with so many setbacks? Spoiler alert - it's not just you! Hi Reader, It's me - Aimée Rebecca- your internet bestie who's baaaaack! 🙌💕 I fell off the face...

💕 when in doubt, I have a new mantra to live by... Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️ Aimée Rebecca | 27th Aug They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. I guess that means if we want things to change, we have to act differently. We have to do the things that don't come naturally. And I'll be the first one to admit that doing that is wildly uncomfortable. Hi Reader, It's me - Aimée Rebecca - your internet bestie for all...

You're allowed to set boundaries. Pick the people who are right for you. Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️ Aimée Rebecca | 14th Aug by the way, this email contains some affiliate links! Call me crazy. Call me woo. But every now and then I get an overwhelming need to share something totally random and whenever that happens, I believe it's because it's a message someone needs to hear. And I'm having one of those days today so maybe this message is for you, Reader. Hi Reader, It's me - Aimée...

feeling overwhelmed? Want to hide under the covers? Try this instead... Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️ Aimée Rebecca | 6th Aug Last week, I took a few days off from...well, pretty much my entire life. I pushed back any non-urgent work, turned off my early morning alarm, cancelled my workout classes, and tossed my phone aside. As a multi-passionate, hyperactive over-achiever with no chill and delusional self-belief, I have a habit of hopping from one project to the next and from one...

all the best changes start with chaotic, messy, "I can't handle this" destruction. Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️ Aimée Rebecca | 23rd July It has been quite the week! And yes, I'm aware that it's only Tuesday. The universe decided to hurl me into chaos and it's been a challenge. But discomfort is always temporary. Hi Reader, It's me - Aimée Rebecca - your internet bestie who is, quite honestly, not thriving right now! Don't worry - it's really not that deep. I just really, really,...

I have a fun challenge for you to try this week... Grab a coffee and let's catch up ☕️ Aimée Rebecca | 2nd Feb After a whirlwind few weeks, I'm finally getting back into the swing of my routine...and realising maybe it's time to step back out of it again. Hi Reader, It's me - Aimée Rebecca - your internet bestie who's slurping on the absolute best smoothie! I always forget just how much I love smoothies until I make one and realise they're actually incredible. (I'll share the recipe for this...